Kambo Healing Ceremony
We are inviting you to the Kambo healing ceremony which helps to clean body at the cellular level, balance the emotional state and eliminate addictions.

Kambo purifies the body from toxins, cleanses the liver and intestines, the lymphatic system, strengthens the immune system, charges with vital energy, gives new strength, confidence and fearlessness.

At the moment you can participate in Kambo ceremony with our Guides in Thailand, Nepal, Indonesia, India, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tenerife.
From $85 group ceremony
From $150 individual
*each Guide himself determines the value of the process, please check before signing up for the ceremony

What is Kambo?

Kambo is an ancient, natural medicine for healing the mind, body, and soul. Also called "vaccine of the Forest"

  • It is extracted from the waxy monkey tree frog found in the Amazonian basin
  • Amazon tribes use Kambo for hunting and to clear “penema,” the indigenous term for bad luck.
  • Scientifically, the peptides in Kambo wake up the body’s natural ability to heal itself on a cellular level and “dumps” the lymphatic system.

After Kambo, people often see massive energetic shifts in their lives, from dramatic improvements in:

  • physical health, to reductions in
  • depression and
  • addictions, to relief from chronic
  • pain and major illnessies.
Benefits of Kambo
Research has shown the chemical makeup of kambo to contain short chains of amino acids, known as peptides, that affect gastrointestinal muscles and blood circulation as well as stimulate the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland in the brain. While there are no clinical studies that definitively back up kambo’s efficacy, the properties of kambo peptides suggest it may be a promising treatment for the following conditions:
• Depression
• Migraines
• Blood circulation problems
• Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
• Vascular insufficiency
• Organ diseases
• Cancer
• Fertility problems
• Deeply rooted toxins
• Chronic pain
• Addiction to opiate or prescription painkillers (Kambo reduces physical pain, thus helping people kick their addictions to other painkillers)
• Fever and infections
• Negative energies (traditionally known as “panema”)
Precautions and Contraindications


We recommend that you not receive kambo if any of the following apply to you:

  • Recent stroke, aneurysm, brain hemorrhage, blood clots
  • Recent, serious heart conditions, including surgeries or an enlarged heart
  • Recent surgery or serious wounds, externally or internally not fully healed
  • History of rupture or injury of the esophagus
  • Chemotherapy or radiation treatments 4 weeks prior or 6 months following
  • Recent use of diuretics or immunosuppressant medications
  • Pregnancy/lactation (till 6-8 month)/current menstruation
  • Cognitive disorders preventing the understanding of Kambo

Please tell us if you have any of the following points:

  • Severe eating disorders
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Regular use of certain herbal or nootropic (smart drug) supplements
  • Asthma
  • History of serious mental health conditions
  • Extremely low blood pressure that is controlled by medication
What happens during ceremony?
  1. We start from small sharing and group meditation to feel our true inner intention (whether it’s solely the physiological immune boosting properties, deep cleansing, spiritual insight).
  2. Afterwards you will be asked to drink 1,5L of water during 15 minutes to assist with the purging process and help move toxins out of the body.
  3. Small burns will be made to the skin. This is so that the very top surface layer can be removed without bleeding, allowing Kambo access to the lymphatic system.
  4. You can feel intensive heartbeat and temperature raising during first minutes while Kambo is absorbing by your skin.
  5. Cleansing itself (vomiting) during 10-15 minutes. No worries, you will be supported by facilitators to path through this process as softly as possible. Your body will thank you for the temporary discomfort!
  6. Recovery and rest, integrating your own experience.
  7. Sharing and closing ceremony. You will be given some tips and advice on nutrition for the following days.

The duration of the process is up to 2 hours.

Kambo Guides
  • Alyona Multi
    April-May: Nepal
    May-June: Georgia
    Sign Up

    Alyona has been exploring the world of shamanic plants and Kambo for more than 6 years. She has been traveling the world since the age of 16, integrating sacred knowledge about the revelation of feminine nature, strength and potential.

    She has completed dozens of retreats and initiations in different spiritual traditions (Buddhism, tantra, energy healing).

    Creates transformational courses, meditations and retreats. Trains Kambo Guides

  • Deya
    Sign Up

    Deya is the daughter of the Kyrgyz Naiman tribe, a deeply feeling woman. Her naturally open heart creates space for a sense of safety and trust during the ceremony.

    Deya feels the person well and is deeply empathetic throughout the process, which creates a wonderful trusting space for the healing that Kambo brings to the person.

Feedback after ceremonies
To book a spot in a Ceremony please message us via
Careful preparation is key to maximize your experience. Please contact us if you have any questions.
How to prepare
  • Make sure you do not eat for a minimum of 6 hrs before arriving to your session. If you are hungry, you may drink a smoothie.
  • It is helpful to avoid meat the day of, and if possible, the day before.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol and using drugs 24-48 hrs before and after the session.
  • Please message us any questions about dealing with addiction protocols.
  • Plan your day so you come to your session without time restraints.
Certain items can be supplied to you if you require it. Please bring along any medications you are taking.
What to bring
  • Wear loose or comfortable clothing. Layers can be helpful, as your body temperature may rise and low.
  • A sarong in case you have to remove any bits of clothing to receive treatments on your back.
  • Towel.
  • Hairband if you have long hair.
  • 3 liters of water (not distilled)
  • Reusable drinking glass or cup.
  • Journal and pen.
  • Any medications you are currently taking.
  • If you suffer from Asthma, bring your inhaler
  • Diabetics need to have insulin, testing equipment and extra food